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Source Code Tools

Source Code Tools

Source Code Tools

CSS Validator
The CSS Validator is a free tool that enables you to validate that your Cascading Style Sheets code meets the CSS standards set forth by the W3 Consortium. Improve cross-platform and cross-browser compatibility. Avoid syntax errors that can hinder your website's SEO performance. Create a positive, professional rapport as a Web developer by making sure your CSS pages are error free. It's easy...simply type in your CSS Web page below and press continue to get your results.

Domain Whois Retriever
Use the Domain WHOIS Retriever to find out the WHOIS information for your domain or any other. The WHOIS information is available for .com, .net and .edu domain names. It reveals information such as the registrar and WHOIS server, name servers, status, and dates for site creation and updates. This information will come in handy if you own multiple domains that are registered with various hosts, or if you need a quick reference of when your domain names are up for renewal.

HTML Encrypter
The HTML Encrypter is a free tool that enables you to hide certain HTML code within your Web pages from the world. No matter how well your site is designed, competitors, hackers and even malicious software will sometimes view your source code and copy it. This enables them to easily mimic your site and possibly ruin your SEO efforts! With the HTML Encrypter, you can simply enter certain HTML code for a section of your page or the entire page, and click Submit. You'll receive a replacement code that has been encrypted (scrambled) to the naked eye.

HTML Markup Validator
Use the HTML Markup Validator tool to ensure your HTML or XHTML code is free of errors. This tool can help you make sure your Web page code meets standards according to the W3 Consortium. Whether you design your own Web pages or develop websites for others, this tool can help you quickly find code errors. An error-free page will perform better in every aspect as well as show forth your professionalism as a Web designer. Just enter the URL you'd like to check and click "Continue" to get started!

HTML Optimizer
With the HTML Optimizer tool you can optimize your Web page HTML code and improve site performance. Why should you optimize the HTML code for your pages? It reduces the amount of unnecessary HTML code, thus, reducing the file size. It eliminates unwanted white space within your code to make it easier to read (for yourself and the search engine robots). HTML optimization removes comments, unused content, and any generated HTML code. It can also improve site loading speed. Copy and paste your HTML code below to optimize it in just moments!

MD5 Encrypter
This tool enables you to use MD5 encryption to secure certain information on your website. MD5 stands for Message-Digest algorithm 5 and it is a popular cryptographic hash function with a 128-bit hash value. With the MD5 Encrypter tool, you can simply type in a word, phrase or password to encrypt it. Because it is a one-way hashing algorithm, MD5 encryption is especially useful if your site has a user database in which each user has a special password. All user passwords can be protected using MD5 against hackers, malicious software, and the like. Type in your text below to get MD5 encryption automatically.

Source Code Viewer
The Source Code Viewer tool enables you to quickly and easily view the source code of any Web page (as long as the code is not hidden). HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. can be viewed if you're interested in how a certain function on a particular site works. You can also use this to view your own Web page code to find errors or to make sure certain code in your page is actually hidden from others. Just type in the URL you'd like to check below to get your results.

Webpage Size Checker
The Webpage Size Checker tool reveals how large a page is in kilobytes, bytes and megabytes. This tool can come in handy if you wish to reduce the size of your pages (images and content) to enhance visitor experience and decrease page loading time. Most visitors won't wait around for more than a few seconds for your site's pages to load. Reducing the size of your pages can help solve this problem. You can also use this free tool to check your page's size for bandwidth purposes due to host space restrictions. Just enter the URL of your page below to find out the size immediately.

Website Speed Test
Check the loading time of your web page using the Website Speed Test. This free tool gives insight as to how fast your web pages are loading for your visitors. If you have a slow-loading website, visitors might click out before ever reading your message. This can cause you to lose visitors...and as a result....paying customers! If you find that one of your pages loads too slowly, try reducing the number of graphics or the size of your images. Design your site in such a way to be simple, yet effective for the best results. This free tool can help you get started!


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